These are pictures from the "Friends Reunion" two weeks ago. All of James' family was here, except for one brother-in-law. Asa with his cousins: Drew, Dawson & Dylan
James & Asa at the Liberty Memorial, overlooking Union Station and the KC skyline
I figured that I should get in a new post with some pictures before we have our baby and I have even less time on my hands. I have been reading the blogs of a couple friends from high school and they are very good at blogging on a regular basis. I need to copy those patterns! Two weeks ago we cut Asa's hair for the first time. Before:
Last night we had dinner with James' friend Eric. My "perfect baby" was not perfect. He drove me nuts! He was screaming and trying to get out of his seat. He was an ok eater, but it took him a while. When we were finished eating I took Asa out to the van so the guys could sit and talk for a while. Asa played in the van pretty well for a while, but then he was wanting to run around the parking lot. I wasn't handling the stress and heat very well to say the least. The good thing is that Asa's worst behavior wasn't as bad as other kids I've seen in public. Asa is currently playing with a little trash can. It's a lot of fun! Earlier this morning Asa was walking around holding a teddy bear. I think it's cute that he has a cuddly that he likes so much.
This video is Asa taking a bath. He was putting Larry the Pirate on the soap dish thing and then making it fall off. It was hilarious! At least it was to Asa. Then when he was laughing, he put his face too far down and got in the water. I'm glad he didn't cry or drown!
We took Asa to the park last night. James and I had a picnic; Asa walked around instead of eating. (He ate his sandwich later at home.) He had a lot of fun. When he was going down the slide, he was saying "Whee" over and over. He also said "whee" while swinging. He walked around a lot and played with his ball. And he really liked picking up sticks.