It seemed a few weeks ago that we had a pretty mundane life. We had fun as our little family, but nothing too exciting happened. We usually would end up getting a Redbox movie on Friday nights and falling asleep half way through it. All day Saturday we would sit around trying to think of something to do. We would watch the grilling shows on PBS and long for those beautiful steaks and lamb chops.
Now all of that has changed. Not only is our schedule busier, but we're now taking turns being sick. I had mastitis last week. It has cleared up and I'm feeling so much better. I was really only sick for about five days. Saturday I did a 5K walk with some friends. James stayed home with the boys who didn't wake up until 11:00! Can you believe that? I've never been so lucky.

Tuesday Asa was hanging out like normal and then suddenly he was throwing up on me. I wish we could get kids to communicate with words we understand at a younger age. "I don't feel so hot" would have been a nice sentence to hear when Asa woke up (at 10:00). I called James and asked if he could come home. Luckily it was a day that he didn't carpool, so that was actually an option. It really wasn't that bad of a day. Asa threw up twice, although there are several spots on the carpet that are a darker color now. Once I knew he was sick, I stopped feeding him and we cuddled a lot and I made him hold an ice cream bucket. That made everything better. By the time James got home, Judah was sleeping and Asa was watching a movie. I snuck out of the house to get some supplies at Target late in the afternoon. It was nice to shop by myself. Asa was pretty normal by the evening.
Here is my to do list for this week:
Monday: Tastefully Simple party (I have another one next Monday)
Tuesday: meeting with an insurance lady (canceled)
Wednesday: make snacks for youth group, go to rehearsal for women's retreat music team, go to Wednesday night church, get together with friends from Indiana
Thursday: call people to make sure they know what they're bringing to the retreat, set up for women's retreat at church, buy remaining supplies for retreat
Friday: make scones for retreat, go to retreat
Saturday: go to retreat
That's a pretty conservative list of the things I've done this week. You can see that it's much more exciting than our normal week.
But wait, it gets better...
Today James called from work and said he was getting sick. He ended up throwing up before he left work. I would have driven to pick him up since he carpooled today, but by the time he called it was too late. I would have gotten there about the time he normally leaves. I think James has thrown up three times since he got home. I had to take the boys to the church with me tonight since he couldn't take care of them. They really weren't a problem since there were some older girls there who played with them. When I got home, well I'll just say that it didn't smell so pretty in my house. I won't explain what happened. (Melinda, I'm sure you remember the story from when James was sick last time. It wasn't that bad.)
James is currently sleeping on the couch. I just got Judah to sleep and I'm trying to decide if I should go to the grocery store. We have no bread.