Here we go. This is the beginning of my vacation journal.
We left Kansas City around 1:00. We got all the way to Kansas City, Kansas before we had to stop for gas. I didn’t have a chance to fill up before I picked James up at work. I started out the trip driving, but had to pull over and switch drivers because Asa wouldn’t let James get things for him. Everybody loves the mommy! The trip is really going well. It’s about 5:45 and we’re close to Oklahoma City. I was just looking at the map and realized how well things are going. Once we get through OKC, it should be about 12 hours of driving time. And by then Asa should be ready for “bed.” Judah has been sleeping for a couple hours. I hope he’s tired today because he will have plenty of time to sleep!
9:45 PM
We stopped on the west end of Oklahoma City to get gas, use the restroom and get out our sandwiches. At the gas station they were remodeling the women’s bathroom. Luckily they realized how women would react to using a portable bathroom outside and decided to use the men’s restroom in the building for women. There were a lot of signs up pointing the men to use the portable facility on then north side of the building. It wasn’t until I was getting Asa out of one of the stalls that I noticed that it was a men’s restroom. Anyhow, we got back on the road and ate dinner as a family, it just wasn’t around a table.
Shortly after we left OKC, I smelled one of my favorite smells in the world. I looked over and saw a big field of hay all ready to be baled. Mmmmmm.
On previous trips to Arizona we have driven this stretch of road in the middle of the night and saw a bunch of flashing red lights. It was a little creepy. When we got home last time, I think we looked on the Google satellite view of the area and learned that it was a bunch of wind turbines. We think they’re owned by T. Boone Pickens. All of that to say that it’s still daylight and we got a good look at the wind turbines. They are a sight. There are so many of them and the power they generate is amazing.
Back to the current time, James is still driving. Judah is asleep again. Asa is watching “Ernie Sauce.” It’s actually the Gaither Vocal Band and Ernie Haase & Signature Sound. Thanks, Mom, he seems to enjoy it. He kind of sings along and claps at the end of each song. I have had a few naps also so I will be ready to drive soon.
We are pulling out of a gas station in Amarillo, Texas. Basically we were creeped out be every person at the gas station. Asa has all of his bedtime lovies; Judah has a bottle, and they are watching a Veggie Tales. All is good for now.
3:03 AM
We are getting gas in Albuquerque. James pulled over just before midnight and asked me to drive. Right after I started driving we crossed over into New Mexico. What kept me awake during the drive? My Christian and jazz mixes of music on my i Pod, attempting to pronounce the names of towns along the way and a few random radio stations. Among all the towns with Mexican names like Tucumcari, Albuquerque & Quemado is a town called Wagon Wheel. “One of these things is not like the other.”
Oh yes, Asa woke up during this leg of the trip. He would whine and cry for a minute and then be quiet for five minutes and then do it all over again. James finally turned on a movie for him and he fell asleep. Both babies are sleeping now. I love it! We only have four hours left. That will put us in Winslow at 5:00 AM.
We arrived in Winslow at 7:15 Central Time. That is 5:15 Arizona Time. Grandma and Grandpa got up early today! We've been here for less than two hours and Judah has already been injured. He was in the pack & play and Asa decided to throw some toys in. One hit him right under his eye. Wonderful! Now he will have a red mark on his face the whole vacation!
On our drive to Winslow we saw cars from the following states:
New Mexico