Today is moving day. Judah was up at 6:00. I am not complaining though because he fell asleep around 8:30 on our way home. James carried Judah in and put him in his bed and he slept until this morning. I guess he was really tired!
I think we're in pretty good shape for the big move. We have a lot of people coming to help us tonight. Hopefully everything will go as imagined! Stay tuned for more updates and maybe a picture or two!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Housing Update
At the end of Monday (day 1 of moving week) the new house is mostly clean. Two friends broke in with me this morning and tackled the dirt and cat fur. (If you have a cat, get rid of it. I'm totally grossed out by all that fur all over the house!) I think I almost barfed at one point because of cat fur and the previous owner's hair. Blech! I still need to get a carpet cleaner and clean the carpets. That's on the list for tomorrow. I'm still trying to figure out when that will fit in.
We have a time to close! 9:00 Thursday morning. Woo hoo! The last piece of getting everything in place to close happened today. The city required that we have an inspection for lead paint because they are giving us money. I was terrified that we would have some cracked paint and would have to get it taken care of. I actually saw a lot of chipped paint on the door frames but that must not have been what the guy was looking for. After he looked through the house he said, "You have my blessing. Good luck on the move!" Whew! Things are falling into place.
We have a time to close! 9:00 Thursday morning. Woo hoo! The last piece of getting everything in place to close happened today. The city required that we have an inspection for lead paint because they are giving us money. I was terrified that we would have some cracked paint and would have to get it taken care of. I actually saw a lot of chipped paint on the door frames but that must not have been what the guy was looking for. After he looked through the house he said, "You have my blessing. Good luck on the move!" Whew! Things are falling into place.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
In my family, I am the one who doesn't need a lot of sleep. My sister Melinda needs tons of sleep. James could sleep all day but I usually don't choose to take a nap when there is a chance to do so. I've been thinking about this recently because of my kids. I'm pretty sure that Judah sleeps less than Asa. I don't know exactly when Asa always falls asleep because he plays in his bed a little before he goes to sleep. He could stay up for a long time and I don't know it since he is in the basement. Last night the boys went to bed a little late, but at the same time. Judah has been awake for an hour and a half and Asa is still sleeping. This happens almost every morning. I think that Judah just needs less sleep than Asa because of his personality.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
House Heartbreak
We have found a house to purchase. It's one block away. We wanted to close on July 7. The lady from our mortgage company couldn't make that work. We were set to close July 21. The same lady can't make that happen either. I'm not sure what she does in her office in Texas all day, but she doesn't return James' emails or calls. The major hang-up right now is that we are getting a grant from the city and they don't have all the information needed to cut a check for us. They really just need one form filled out by that lady. And she can't find the time to do it. We hope to close July 23.
The twist:
I am going on a mission trip to Nashville with the teen group from church. We leave July 26. Between July 23 and 26 here's what we have to do:
-clean new house
-move into new house
-clean our apartment
-unpack so my mother-in-law can find things (She is staying with my 3 boys while I'm gone.)
-pack for the mission trip
-make a side dish for a BBQ
I know what you're thinking. That's nothing. You can do all that in one day! Right. Well, if something else gets messed up I might just die. There are other things we would like to do in the new house before we move in, but there is no time. I think we're going to take possession and move in all on Thursday (one week from today!) I am going down on Monday with a friend to clean. I'm hoping that's not a problem with anyone. If we can get everything clean Monday morning, I will feel a lot better about the whole situation.
The final twist: I have an injured knee. I think it's tendinitis but I'm no doctor. I am going to see my chiropractor tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will help me a little.
It will be a busy week; I still have a lot of packing to do. I am mentally prepared. Now if my body (and kids) would cooperate, I will be in luck!
The twist:
I am going on a mission trip to Nashville with the teen group from church. We leave July 26. Between July 23 and 26 here's what we have to do:
-clean new house
-move into new house
-clean our apartment
-unpack so my mother-in-law can find things (She is staying with my 3 boys while I'm gone.)
-pack for the mission trip
-make a side dish for a BBQ
I know what you're thinking. That's nothing. You can do all that in one day! Right. Well, if something else gets messed up I might just die. There are other things we would like to do in the new house before we move in, but there is no time. I think we're going to take possession and move in all on Thursday (one week from today!) I am going down on Monday with a friend to clean. I'm hoping that's not a problem with anyone. If we can get everything clean Monday morning, I will feel a lot better about the whole situation.
The final twist: I have an injured knee. I think it's tendinitis but I'm no doctor. I am going to see my chiropractor tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will help me a little.
It will be a busy week; I still have a lot of packing to do. I am mentally prepared. Now if my body (and kids) would cooperate, I will be in luck!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Today Show throws a wedding every year and today is the big day. I haven't really been watching much recently but tuned in this morning by chance. The wedding was about 5 minutes long and right after that, they got to talk to the show hosts for a while. I'm thinking that I might want to talk to my family and friends instead of strangers (though quasi famous) minutes after my vows. I guess if someone is willing to throw you a great wedding for free, you would be happy with almost anything. They also get a free reception and honeymoon. I'm thinking that I would do almost anything for just a free week of vacation.
James and I are trying to get back into running. James has run the last 4 mornings. I have run two mornings now. I've done Pilates for about a week now. It's nice to be working on exercising again, but it's a slow process. Three cheers for runners!
James and I are trying to get back into running. James has run the last 4 mornings. I have run two mornings now. I've done Pilates for about a week now. It's nice to be working on exercising again, but it's a slow process. Three cheers for runners!
4th of July Excitement
Our 4th of July weekend was busy. Friday morning we got up and drove up to Iowa for my friend Claire's wedding. She is one of my good friends from college. We stayed at a nice hotel right next to the place of reception. The kids loved being in a hotel. I don't know what it was, but Asa was so happy to be there.
Here we see Asa relaxing on the bed, watching some TV:

The wedding was great, except for the fact that our kids were there. They weren't bad but were just kids. James took them out about half way through. We had some down time before the reception so we let the kids run around in the room for a while. We had a great time at the reception. We sat with some of my friends from college. It was great to spend time with them again. Asa loved the dance. Judah almost got stepped on but enjoyed dancing as well.

After the reception we decided to put the kids down for bed in our room and then go to another room to talk with our friends. You may think this was a terrible idea, but it worked so well. We set up the monitors and were only a few doors down. The shocking thing is that both boys went down without any problems. Judah slept in our pack & play but we didn't have anything for Asa except for the second queen size bed. He has never slept in a regular bed by himself and this one was about three feet off the ground. We lined the edge with pillows and told him that it was time for him to lay down. Lucky for us he was exhausted enough that he fell asleep fine. We were able to stay up way too late with friends and didn't have to deal with our kids. It was awesome!
Saturday morning we got up early to drive to my mom's house. We had a little birthday party for Judah. My sisters and brother were there with their kids. We had a great time! Judah made a royal mess with his cake and got some cool gifts!

After the party we drove home with the hope of seeing fireworks all along the four hour drive. We were lucky enough to see lot of fireworks. We kept pointing them out to Asa. He in turn would say, "Judah, look. Fireworks! See 'em?" Very cute. We were about 20 minutes from home when traffic slowed. There had been an accident on 435 and we were stopped for at least ten minutes. It was inconvenient but we were able to just sit and watch fireworks all around us.
We finally got home around 10:00 and realized that we were out of wipes. I had to run to the store after we got the kids in bed. When I got back I was watching the Capital Fourth special. Barry Manillo was on and at first I thought he was doing a parody, but then I realized that he is just like that. (Do you know what I mean?) Wow. I think he's better heard and not seen. I hope I don't offend anyone. Before him was Aretha Franklin. She can still sing! I was a little afraid that she was going to pass out during one of her songs. She seemed to have some trouble getting around.
The rest of the weekend was pretty calm. We went to church and just relaxed Sunday afternoon. Everyone was ready for some quiet after our busy weekend.
Here we see Asa relaxing on the bed, watching some TV:
The wedding was great, except for the fact that our kids were there. They weren't bad but were just kids. James took them out about half way through. We had some down time before the reception so we let the kids run around in the room for a while. We had a great time at the reception. We sat with some of my friends from college. It was great to spend time with them again. Asa loved the dance. Judah almost got stepped on but enjoyed dancing as well.
After the reception we decided to put the kids down for bed in our room and then go to another room to talk with our friends. You may think this was a terrible idea, but it worked so well. We set up the monitors and were only a few doors down. The shocking thing is that both boys went down without any problems. Judah slept in our pack & play but we didn't have anything for Asa except for the second queen size bed. He has never slept in a regular bed by himself and this one was about three feet off the ground. We lined the edge with pillows and told him that it was time for him to lay down. Lucky for us he was exhausted enough that he fell asleep fine. We were able to stay up way too late with friends and didn't have to deal with our kids. It was awesome!
Saturday morning we got up early to drive to my mom's house. We had a little birthday party for Judah. My sisters and brother were there with their kids. We had a great time! Judah made a royal mess with his cake and got some cool gifts!

After the party we drove home with the hope of seeing fireworks all along the four hour drive. We were lucky enough to see lot of fireworks. We kept pointing them out to Asa. He in turn would say, "Judah, look. Fireworks! See 'em?" Very cute. We were about 20 minutes from home when traffic slowed. There had been an accident on 435 and we were stopped for at least ten minutes. It was inconvenient but we were able to just sit and watch fireworks all around us.
We finally got home around 10:00 and realized that we were out of wipes. I had to run to the store after we got the kids in bed. When I got back I was watching the Capital Fourth special. Barry Manillo was on and at first I thought he was doing a parody, but then I realized that he is just like that. (Do you know what I mean?) Wow. I think he's better heard and not seen. I hope I don't offend anyone. Before him was Aretha Franklin. She can still sing! I was a little afraid that she was going to pass out during one of her songs. She seemed to have some trouble getting around.
The rest of the weekend was pretty calm. We went to church and just relaxed Sunday afternoon. Everyone was ready for some quiet after our busy weekend.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Judah is 1!
Judah turned one on July 1. Here's what he does:
-cruises & crawls really fast (usually chasing Asa)
-says Da, Mama, no, yeah
-eats almost anything
-uses a sippy cup
-loves books
On Judah's birthday we had a very busy day. My mom was here in the morning and had some time to read to the boys. It's their favorite thing to do with Grandma. I ran a few errands and then returned home to do a million other things. I watched our neighbor's little girl as they moved in next door. I made dinner for a family at church and dinner for our family. I also baked and decorated some cupcakes. After James got home we did a video chat with Aunt Janet as Judah opened his birthday present from her. Asa was happy to help Judah open his presents!

We had been trying to get together with our friends Ken & Abbie who recently moved to Kansas City. It worked out that we were all free on Wednesday so they came over for dinner. After dinner we did the birthday cake thing for Judah. We sang and lit a candle on a cupcake for him. He really enjoyed the singing. Like most one-year-olds he didn't know how to blow out the candle. But he did enjoy his cupcake! I was surprised that he didn't make a very big mess with it.

I know that I will say this for the rest of my life, but I can't believe how quickly time flies! It has been a great year with two kids. There were some rough times but we have really been blessed with awesome kids! For example, this morning they let me sleep until 9:30! It was a nice present since we were up late and I was up for an hour in the night. I do love both of my boys (and their dad) very much!
-cruises & crawls really fast (usually chasing Asa)
-says Da, Mama, no, yeah
-eats almost anything
-uses a sippy cup
-loves books
On Judah's birthday we had a very busy day. My mom was here in the morning and had some time to read to the boys. It's their favorite thing to do with Grandma. I ran a few errands and then returned home to do a million other things. I watched our neighbor's little girl as they moved in next door. I made dinner for a family at church and dinner for our family. I also baked and decorated some cupcakes. After James got home we did a video chat with Aunt Janet as Judah opened his birthday present from her. Asa was happy to help Judah open his presents!
We had been trying to get together with our friends Ken & Abbie who recently moved to Kansas City. It worked out that we were all free on Wednesday so they came over for dinner. After dinner we did the birthday cake thing for Judah. We sang and lit a candle on a cupcake for him. He really enjoyed the singing. Like most one-year-olds he didn't know how to blow out the candle. But he did enjoy his cupcake! I was surprised that he didn't make a very big mess with it.
I know that I will say this for the rest of my life, but I can't believe how quickly time flies! It has been a great year with two kids. There were some rough times but we have really been blessed with awesome kids! For example, this morning they let me sleep until 9:30! It was a nice present since we were up late and I was up for an hour in the night. I do love both of my boys (and their dad) very much!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Well, my birthday was a couple weeks ago. James and I went to a Royals game without the boys the evening before. On my birthday I went to a brunch at a friend's house. She had everything organized so well! There was a paper bag with snacks for each kid (like 12 of them) and had little name tags on the cups. It sounds funny but it was really cute. We had a great time. When the boys and I got home, they ate some lunch and laid down for naps. I was also exhausted and took a long nap. When I woke up, I heard Asa and Elmo. I figured that James must be home. We went to a great pizza place for dinner and then took the kids to the park. Most of the day Asa wouldn't tell me happy birthday. As we were driving to get dinner, Asa mumbled "Happy birthday, Mom." It was so cute!
We didn't do much for Father's Day. I made enchiladas for lunch and we spent most of the day relaxing. I taught Asa how to say "Happy Father's Day." It was pretty cute. It sounded more like "Happy day."
We have been busy around our house. We are planning to close on our house July 21. My mom came down this week to help me pack. We got a lot of things packed and I can rest easily knowing that everything is packed well. While Mom was here she read a lot to the boys. That's Asa's favorite thing to do with Grandma. There's a book that asks a question on every page and the answer is "no" on every page except for the last page. Mom said that Judah was saying "no" right along with Asa. Today I was reading the book and he did it! It was so cute seeing him say no and shake his head.
We didn't do much for Father's Day. I made enchiladas for lunch and we spent most of the day relaxing. I taught Asa how to say "Happy Father's Day." It was pretty cute. It sounded more like "Happy day."
We have been busy around our house. We are planning to close on our house July 21. My mom came down this week to help me pack. We got a lot of things packed and I can rest easily knowing that everything is packed well. While Mom was here she read a lot to the boys. That's Asa's favorite thing to do with Grandma. There's a book that asks a question on every page and the answer is "no" on every page except for the last page. Mom said that Judah was saying "no" right along with Asa. Today I was reading the book and he did it! It was so cute seeing him say no and shake his head.
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