I started writing this post on Facebook but realized that I have a lot more to say about the subject than I should post as a status update. So here are my thoughts.
I just watched an interview with Rob Lowe. He was talking about being a dad and making a real effort to be with his sons. He wanted to work in television vs film so that he could be home in LA while he was working, and not on location somewhere shooting a movie. He spends a lot of time with his kids. (Now, I'm sure this looks a lot different than us normal people living in the Midwest, working 9-5 jobs or being a stay-at-home-mom. But still, he has made a conscious effort.) Rob said his dad tells him, "I just hope you're having some time for you." Rob replies, "This is time for me. Are you kidding me?! That's what this is!"
I'm glad to hear other parents saying this. A couple years back someone was really concerned that I don't take time for myself. My life is different than it was before I became a mom. I don't do some of the things I used to do because I simply don't have time. I can't be in a community choir that rehearses every week. I can't go to a coffee shop with friends whenever I want. I don't take random trips with my husband. I can't go to concerts very often. Some of the things that used to be a regular part of my life have faded away or are further in the background. And I'm okay with that.
Some of my favorite things now are cooking and baking for and with my family, reading books with my boys, going on walks as a family, playing at the park. Time I spend with my family is valuable. I had kids for the purpose of making my life better. I have become less selfish because I'm a mom. I am trying to teach my boys to share the love of Jesus and help make the world a better place.
I think when you look at being a parent in this way, you don't feel like a maid, a short-order cook, a nurse, a referee all the time. You can see all these titles as a blessing and way of sharing your own love with your kids and all those they will encounter in their own lives.
I do make time to be by myself and do things that I enjoy. There have been many times that I have felt exhausted by my family and I just need a break. But I find more joy during the times that I see my job as a mom as a great blessing instead of a great burden. "This is time for me!"