Dear family and friends,
2006 has been a year of changes for us.
In February James started taking classes at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. He lived in a small house in Kansas City and visited Iowa on many weekends. Life as a bachelor was a little hard after a couple years of being married and having a companion and cook.
Jodi finished teaching her second year at Albia High School in May. The second year was much easier than the first. Class and concert preparations were easier to put together, and students looked to Jodi as a role model and friend. It was hard to leave friends and great students at the end of the year.
About the time school ended, we found out we would be having a baby. The interesting part of this discovery is that James was already in Arizona with his parents for the summer. Luckily, he believed the message that he would soon be a daddy. Preparations began in May for an addition to our family. With a little over a month to go, we still have about as many things to do as we did in May.
We spent most of the summer in Arizona with James’ family. It was good to be able to spend a lot of time with them since we live so far away. A three-month visit is more relaxing than a three-day visit. We were also able to spend time with some of James’ friends from his days growing up in Winslow.
In August we began the search for a place to live in Kansas City. We ended up in a duplex in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. The rent is reasonable for the area and there is a lot of space. We have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office/play room and a garage. We look forward to bringing our new baby to this home.
In November Jodi’s dad ended his year and a half battle with kidney cancer. Jodi was in Oskaloosa with her family the whole month of November as Dad’s health and strength deteriorated. He passed away the evening of November 19 and the funeral was the day before Thanksgiving. It was a very peaceful time of mourning for the family. We felt God’s presence in everything.
James started a new job at Nazarene Publishing House on December 18. He is working in the shipping department, packing boxes of Sunday school materials, books and music. They mostly ship things to Nazarene churches around the country. He is glad to have a secure job that has an impact on many people around the world while he is in seminary.
As we come to the end of 2006, we look back at our year. We have had our share of hard times, but God has been faithful to provide exactly what we have needed. We have lost a life but look forward to new life in the new year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
We love you,
James and Jodi
Woa! Sounds like your life is pretty crazy right now! Good luck with the baby, and I'll write you guys more later. Merry Christmas!