Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This is a video of Asa sneezing. I was lucky to catch him in the act!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Giddy Up!

Asa's uncle was giving his cousins a ride. I think this video is funny, just because he was probably about to die!


As I was looking through the coupons Monday, I tossed the ones we wouldn't use on the floor for Asa to play with. He had fun for a long time. I don't think he ate very many of them.

Plastic Bag

I know you aren't supposed to let kids play with plastic bags, but I was watching Asa and he was having a lot of fun. Of course, he didn't play the same when I got the camera. But I think it's cute how he talks.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sickness & Halloween

Asa was sick this week. Monday his temperature got up to 102.1. The nurse kept saying that it was ok as long as it went down in three to five days. Just so you know, that's a long time to deal with a crabby kid. But it was gone by Tuesday afternoon. We went Friday for is 9 month check up and found out that he has an ear infection. The good news is that he really likes his medicine.
For Halloween our family was a disco family. We didn't take Asa trick-or-treating, but we went to a Halloween party. It was pretty fun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Standing and other new things

Asa pulled himself up in his crib for the first time Sunday night. Monday evening he pulled himself up to the couch without help from Mom or Dad. He started having cheerios last week on Wednesday. Sunday he actually got one in his mouth by himself. Asa crawls so much that his knees are a little red.
Sunday we had a potluck at church. Asa was his normal crabby self after church. The only problem was that we didn't go home and I had things to do to get ready for the potluck. I finally fed him and he fell asleep. We played sand volleyball afterwards. He played in his pack and play for a while and then was tired of it. So we put him on a blanket which he crawled off of. He wasn't too sandy after the whole afternoon. He did have actual dirt on himself when I gave him a bath. Also in that bath he was reaching for a toy and got his mouth in the water. He coughed a lot and tried to get out. But I made him stay in and play some more.
I just can't believe how much he's growing.

Monday, August 27, 2007


This weekend we went camping. Asa and I drove down Friday afternoon with three friends from church. James left after work with some other people. We got there and set up the tents in the dark. I was thankful that it wasn't raining and the ground was dry when we were doing this. Asa just sat quietly in a little high chair we had borrowed from some friends while we set up the tents. The rest of the group (14 in all) got there by midnight. The first night went really well. Asa slept the whole night in his pack and play. It rained during the night and was still raining when we got up Saturday morning. Everyone but Asa and me went canoing. The trip was 15 miles and took most of the day. Asa and I just hung around the campsite. We played, sang songs, took naps and just had a nice relaxing day. By the time everyone got back from canoing, it was dinner time. A couple guys started a fire and we had hamburgers and hot dogs. And who can go camping without s'mores? It was a lot of fun. Asa had a little trouble falling and staying asleep the second night. I didn't get much sleep either. I couldn't believe how awake he was in the middle of the night. Everyone was very surprised at Asa's overall laid back attitude. He really wasn't fussy much and had fun in the outdoors. That's a good thing about him, he will go wherever we take him and usually is happy just to be with us.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Asa had green beans for the first time on Friday. He gaged. To which James said, "Good boy!" I quickly told him never to say that again to Asa. We don't need two boys that don't eat their vegetables. Video will come soon!


Asa was playing with a bag of tortilla chips. James turned him around and moved him away from the bag. A little later he was back "hitting" the chips and trying to eat them. Now we just can't leave anything on the floor in the living room if we don't want him to get it.

Asa chewing on the table

This is a video of Asa chewing on the table. He likes chewing on everything and he happened to have the table in his mouth. If you listen carefully, you can hear his teeth.

Monday, August 20, 2007

This is a picture of my cute little baby sleeping in his high chair. I should have left him there because he didn't sleep very long when I moved him to his bed.

Friday, April 20, 2007

An Attractive Yard

I have seen neighbor kitty in our yard several times this spring. When we were outside last night, I discovered the reason why. It's prime location for fresh food. I first discovered a dead robin. Later I saw a big pile of fluff. James said it was a rabbit. I don't know if the cat killed the bird and bunny, but I bet he had some to eat. Especially the way the bunny looked.
Also last night, I heard the neighbor kids playing in the front yard. It sounded like they were very close to our house, so I looked out the window and saw them playing on our front steps. They played there for probably thirty minutes. I didn't know what to do. James said just to let them play. I just hoped they didn't fall and get hurt. As long as they don't come and play in the house for hours, I'm ok with it.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Oh What a Clumsy Morning

Yesterday morning I was making breakfast as always for my husband before he goes to work. I was stacking up some dirty dishes and broke a glass. I thought it was just on the counter, but then stepped on a piece on the floor. I then spilled the grease from the skillet on the counter and the floor. The clean-up is still not complete. (Let's just make sure everyone knows this happened around 6:15 AM) After I told James about my problems, I was taking a drink of water, had a little problem getting it down and spit it out all over the both of us and the floor. I decided I would make myself a cup of hot chocolate and hope it didn't spill, which it didn't! I guess sometimes you just can't be smooth enough in the early morning hours of the day.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My Parents

I remember Dad showing Mom tough love. For example, a goodbye hug may have often been too tight for comfort and Mom yelped out in fake pain and frustration. Every time Dad found a straight pin, he would stick Mom with it and ask, "Is this sharp?" Mom again would yelp out in pain. Mom often said to me in moments of aggravation, "I don't know why I ever married your Dad." I've been told since then that he was a good catch. They would occasionally hold hands in the front seats of the van. I always thought it was sweet. As the kids got older, Mom and Dad would go out to supper alone and then on vacations without us.
This has nothing to do with the romantical relationship, but one time Dad told me to get Mom to help us for "a few minutes" while we were moving calves. Mom came out dressed for a few minutes in the cool autumn air, not a few hours. When we finally were finished hours later, Mom was a little mad. I'm guessing this was one of the times when she said, "I don't know why I married your Dad." I guess she should have learned to be prepared for any situation.
Dad never complained about the food Mom made. He ate potato soup and roast beef for years, even though they weren't his favorites. When I made something Dad didn't like, he let me know it and not so discretely.
They cared for each other a great deal, but showed it in their own special way, at least in front of us kids. Many tricks were played on Mom and I don't think she really minded a bit.