Monday, August 27, 2007


This weekend we went camping. Asa and I drove down Friday afternoon with three friends from church. James left after work with some other people. We got there and set up the tents in the dark. I was thankful that it wasn't raining and the ground was dry when we were doing this. Asa just sat quietly in a little high chair we had borrowed from some friends while we set up the tents. The rest of the group (14 in all) got there by midnight. The first night went really well. Asa slept the whole night in his pack and play. It rained during the night and was still raining when we got up Saturday morning. Everyone but Asa and me went canoing. The trip was 15 miles and took most of the day. Asa and I just hung around the campsite. We played, sang songs, took naps and just had a nice relaxing day. By the time everyone got back from canoing, it was dinner time. A couple guys started a fire and we had hamburgers and hot dogs. And who can go camping without s'mores? It was a lot of fun. Asa had a little trouble falling and staying asleep the second night. I didn't get much sleep either. I couldn't believe how awake he was in the middle of the night. Everyone was very surprised at Asa's overall laid back attitude. He really wasn't fussy much and had fun in the outdoors. That's a good thing about him, he will go wherever we take him and usually is happy just to be with us.

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