Judah is now seven weeks old. I'm not sure that he has a personality, but he has some things that he does a lot. He seems to sneeze more than I remember Asa sneezing. Hopefully he's not allergic to everything like his aunt Melinda or cousin Zoe. He is really starting to smile a lot. When he's awake, he looks around mostly with a blank stare, but he will smile when we talk to him. He also is doing the happy baby noises. It's cute to hear the coos. Ever since Judah was born, he has been a grunter. He makes various grunting noises when he is squirming around in our arms. When he nurses, he makes a lot of gulping noises and high pitched squeaks. It's hard to describe. And the final little personality trait he has developed is hacking. My dad was a hacker. He would get a cough and hack and cough up stuff. The first time Asa coughed and hacked, I laughed instead of being concerned as most new mothers would be. Judah has only done the hacking thing twice. And I haven't been concerned either time.
Here's Judah happily swinging with no expression on his face.

Here he is sleeping at Grandma's.
What a cutie!! Seara was a really quiet eater, so I never minded feeding her with family or what not around (covered with a blanket, of course). Elijah was a big gulper/grunter/gasper/sqeaker when he ate, and Enoch had followed right in his footsteps. Now I don't dare nurse with other people around because it is kind of embarrassing how loud they are! :)
ReplyDeleteI should say how loud 'he' is. Elijah has been weaned for quite a while now!