Friday, September 19, 2008


Asa says a lot of things. Most of them only make sense to him. For example, yesterday he was taking a bath. I realize that it's not safe, but I don't stay in there with him. I do listen closely to make sure I can always hear him. During his bath there was a bump and splash. I assume he was standing up, or at least on his knees, and he slipped. I ran up and asked him what happened. He told me all the details of what he was doing, I just had no idea what he was saying.
His latest new word is drum. He says bum. Just a minute ago he was walking around saying "zhoo, ba doodle bum." I guess he was looking for his drum.
Another thing Asa does that is really helpful is putting things in the trash and hamper. It's cute because as he is walking, he says "trash, trash, trash" or "hamper, hamper."
Here's a picture of Judah and Asa wearing matching outfits. It's just luck that they had something the same that fit at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I don't get half of what my kids say. Seara is just starting to speak in sentences, but Sam and I still have to translate for each other! The matching outfits are darling - I should get twinner outfits for my boys, too.
