Friday, March 27, 2009


About a month ago it snowed. I thought it would be the last snow of the season. James and Asa played outside for a while. The video is of Asa sliding into the snow; then he is inside showing me how he made snow angels. The last part is Asa singing. He is singing better these days but I don't have a video of it.

It is supposed to snow a lot tonight/tomorrow. I think I heard 6-8 inches. Maybe we'll have more snow videos tomorrow.


  1. So fun! Sam even watched your movie. :)

  2. Cute snowsuit! I'm glad he is getting to wear it. Seeing the snow makes me know why I like AZ.
    I was at Shirley's office and saw a picture of a cute little boy with a State Farm Bear. I thought,he looks familiar, then I realized no wonder it is Asa....
