Friday, May 20, 2011

Time is On My Side

Yes it is.
Preschool is over. I'm back to being a stay-at-home-mom. I am in complete control of my schedule.
Now, don't get me wrong. I really liked my job. It was fun having something to do every week and using my skills as a teacher. The boys loved going to school and learning with their friends.
But it is a relief to have a clear slate.
I have a million things on my so-called to-do list.
  • pay bills
  • clean the house
  • make granola bars
  • organize the basement (this alone is a 3-week project)
  • play at the park
  • work in the yard (another multi-week job)
  • write a blog
  • clean out my hard-drive
I'm hoping that I can start accomplishing some of the things on my list. I have all summer, fall, winter and spring!

On a side note, this funny thing happens every time I kiss Reuben's cheek. He smiles! I love it.

One more thing, read my husband's blog. It's fun.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, organizing the basement. I'm with you on that one! A good 1/4 to 1/3 of my summer is going to spent organizing down there (which means the kids will be playing down there and unorganizing as I go along. Here's hoping I'm faster than they are!) Good luck getting everything done!
