Christmas Eve we made gingerbread houses. Asa just wanted to eat the candy. I have to post a picture of James' creation. I just put one together quickly and simply for Asa to decorate. James took an hour to construct his Frank Lloyd Wright house.
Later in the evening we read part of the Christmas story. Asa didn't have much patience for that. We let the boys each open one present, mainly because we had wrapped up some Christmas pajamas for Judah. Asa opened a Santa Mr. Potato head. It was nice and quiet at Mom's house because we were the only people there. My sisters got in late Christmas day.
Christmas morning we all slept in a little bit. I don't know if we will ever push the Santa thing, but I like having stockings. Asa delivered Judah's stocking to him. Judah got a cool alligator that says colors in three languages. I was very proud of this find. It was $13 retail at Wal-Mart but had a $5 sticker on it. To make a long story short, I got it for $5 even though it rang up at $13. I don't think Sam Walton is hurting because of my good luck Christmas Eve. Asa got Hershey's Kisses, an apple and a little monster truck in his stocking. James and I both got our favorite candies. James also got some coffee from the Roasterie in KC.
After a delicious breakfast of Almond Chocolate Chip Scones, we opened the rest of our presents. I won't share all of those details, but Asa said one funny thing. He opened another regular Mr. Potato Head. When I asked him what it was, he said "head." It was cute.
The next most exciting part of the day was the arrival of the cousins. Asa likes having little people to run around with and they like having someone to boss around.
On a side note, I'm going to have to condense a lot because this is too long!
The day after Christmas we had our Huff family Christmas celebration. We had a delicious lunch and the kids opened presents. A few years ago we just started having the kids draw names and get gifts for each other. I don't think we could afford any more than that and it's a lot easier. The living room was a huge mess with just a few presents.
I am having some trouble remembering details at this point. Here is what I remember:
-Margee's girls got a Wii from their aunt on their dad's side. That consumed much of their time at Mom's house.
-James and I went on a date to Tasos, the restaurant at which I waited tables back in my college days.
-We ate a lot of food. My mom made some great candies!
-We watched football.
-Asa helped my mom do her exercises:
I do remember how Sunday morning began. I was up early feeding Judah and went upstairs to see if church had been canceled due to the weather. I noticed my mom was coughing, but didn't think much of it. As I was getting out of the shower a few minutes later, Melinda was knocking on the bathroom door and walking in. I freaked out since I wasn't dressed! She said that Mom had taken two of her nitros. I didn't really get it at the time, but she thought she was having another heart attack. We decided to drive her to the ER instead of having an ambulance come to the house. I was in the driver's seat. Let me tell you this. It is a good thing there weren't many people on the roads because we may not have made it there. It was really slick and I was driving too fast. Well, as it turned out, Mom didn't have a heart attack. She did have some fluid on her lungs. I guess we're calling the episode congestive heart failure. We think she had too much sodium over the holiday and that created an excess of liquid which in turn backed up onto her lungs because of her heart. I'm clearly not a doctor. Mom was admitted to the hospital Sunday and was released Tuesday. We went home Monday afternoon. It wasn't the greatest end for our trip. I felt bad for Mom since she couldn't be home with her family. Anyhow, she's doing a lot better now. I think she's still trying to figure out what all she needs to change to prevent this from happening again.
That ends our Christmas story. I still have hopes to post a Christmas Letter Blog. We'll see if it happens.
That is so scary about your mom! I'm glad she's okay and I hope she can figure out what to do to avoid any problems in the future. We'll send a little prayer up for her!
ReplyDeleteConfession: we aren't planning on telling our kids that Santa is real. I don't usually tell people this because they have conniption fits. The kids know who Santa is, and we sing the songs and have some Santa movies and decorations and what not, but thus far we've just told the kids that it is pretend - it's a game we play. I don't like lying (go figure :) and I really don't like overshadowing a celebration of the Savior of the world with a fictional character. So everyone thinks we're crazy. But we don't care. :)
I'm glad that you're mom is doing better.
ReplyDeleteJames likes Rosteriee Coffee? My brother in law workds there. Just fyi~ I don't know why that matters; it doesn't
Janae- James has always been against lying to kids. Even if it's saying that the crackers are all gone when really the kid just shouldn't eat any more. I agree that it's silly to create this excitement over something fake when there is actually something real and exciting to celebrate. James also says that it's silly for Santa to bring the big, cool gift and the parents to give the smaller gift. We spend the money and we should get the credit.
ReplyDeleteBreanne- The fact that your brother in law works at the roasteriee is important if he can get us coffee at a discounted price!