Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am Proud Today

Here's Why:
-I woke up to the sound of Asa talking after 8:30. I slept undisturbed all night except for James kissing me goodbye as he left for work.
-Judah devoured his cereal this morning and cried when there was too large of a break between bites.
-Asa now says "Yeah, sure" when you ask if he wants to do something.
-Asa was listening to his Veggie Tales sing along CD and sang along. It was during "If You're Happy and You Know It." He said "hooray" with much excitement.
-Asa put some puzzle pieces together in a nice long row.
-Judah is taking a nap and I'm off to take a shower!


  1. Can we switch days?? Because Enoch woke up four times last night. FOUR TIMES!! Ahhh! He used to sleep 8-9 hours, what happened?? But I'm happy for you. You deserve this!

    By the way, we saw an original Jackson Pollock and it was actually pretty cool, I must admit. I really liked it! :)

  2. These are the days you'll remember.

  3. yay, now mark this day and remember it when those bad days come and all they can say is MOM~~!!! just makes you want to change your name!
