We had a busy weekend. Friday night I went to a sleepover for the teenage girls from church. I stayed until 12:40. It was actually pretty fun. The boys stayed with James. He said they did a pretty good job without me. Right after I left, he saw some liquidy brown stuff and thought Asa had diarrhea. Turns out it was just M&M slobber.
Saturday I had to go to two grocery stores. I went to two because of selection and prices. I don't think we've ever had less food than we had in our house so I had a lot of things to buy. I actually went in two different trips. I think James was glad because Judah wasn't exactly being a good baby while I was gone to the first store.
Saturday night we had a Sunday school party. It wasn't really for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Just a time to get together, eat and have some fun. While we were getting ready, Asa decided to look at a picture that was on our dresser. He dropped it on the floor and broke the frame. It was a really heavy glass Mikasa frame we got as a wedding gift. It broke into a lot of pieces. I was surprised that Asa didn't get hurt. He was sad that he had to play in his room while I cleaned up all the glass. In his defense, I had just let him hold a frame with a picture of my mom and dad.
Once at the party, Asa spilled his plate of lasagna on the carpet. I felt bad, but we cleaned it up and I don't think they will ever notice where the spill was. Other than that, our boys were pretty good. Asa got rather tired towards the end of the evening and Judah wasn't wanting to eat, so I was concerned about him. I think sometimes he gets upset when there's a lot of noise. He must not have been hungry because he finally ate a little and then slept the whole night.
Sunday we went to church then to our pastor's house for lunch. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at church in the evening. Last year I made a few dishes and ended up taking most of it home. I decided that I would just make one thing this year. It was much easier. Asa was still pretty tired when we went back to church. He had a short nap since we were later getting home after church. Let's just say that we didn't have a relaxing meal. We were glad to get home and put Asa to bed.
It was a busy weekend, but we had a lot of fun!
Asa suddenly is saying something like "where did it go?" And he holds his hands out to his side gesturing. It's so cute. Sometimes he just says "where." It's cute.
Asa also knows what letters are! He has been pointing at our shirts with words and saying different letters, or at least different sounds. He also was digging our magnetic letters out from under the fridge this morning and saying "letter" and some individual letters. His favorites seem to be h and p.
Meanwhile, I am trying to lose some of the flab on my legs and stomach. I had the goal of working out with my exercise ball three times last week. I didn't do it once. I had ample opportunity but never remembered my goal when I had free time. I have the same goal for this week. I also read last night that fiber helps burn fat. Or something like that. You also need to drink a lot of water when having a lot of fiber. So three goals this week: don't ignore the ball, drink water, eat fiber. I'll report next week on my progress.
You make me laugh! Good luck on your goal this week!