Monday, November 10, 2008

Glorious Sleep

We have finally set up our second crib. Judah has been sleeping in a cradle in our room since he was born. A couple weeks ago we decided that it was time for Judah to move into Asa's room. James carried the pieces of the crib (a hand-me-down from some friends) and started to assemble it. There was one little problem: he didn't know where the bolts were. He looked several places and had no luck. I looked some as well, but I'm thinking that I was focused on something else and didn't look very hard. I can usually find things that are lost. And I usually remember where I've stashed the lost item. Anyhow, we couldn't find these bolts. Friday I was doing something in the garage and started looking around for them and I found them! Yeah! They were in a baseball glove that was on the "tool shelf."
Saturday James set up the other crib right next to Asa's crib. We decided to move Asa into the new crib since it's really nice and much more sturdy than the one he was sleeping in. He really likes it. He wanted to get in it as soon as James had it set up.
Last night was the first chance we had to put Judah down in Asa's room. Saturday night he was having trouble falling asleep and we let him sleep in our bed. I was so afraid last night that we would all be awake in the night, but everyone slept the whole night. I am still happy about that! This morning when Asa woke up, he pointed into the other bed and said "Judah." I think he likes having his brother in his room.
As I type this, I am pretty sure tonight will not be as great as last night. I don't think Asa is feeling very well. I guess I'll back up to this morning with the story. He was watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch. I didn't move him up to his bed since we were going to have lunch with some teenagers from church an hour later. When I went out to put some things in the van, I think the sound of the door made him fall off the couch. When I got back in the house, he was on the floor crying. It took a while for him to be happy again. Later when we got home from lunch, he had trouble falling asleep and didn't have a very good nap. I had a Tastefully Simple party tonight and James put Asa down a little after 7:00. That's early for Asa, but he was tired. Then when I got home around 9:30, Asa woke up. He's back in bed now (11:12) but is awake and saying "Daddy, Mommy, Mommy, Daddy, Daddy, bear..." I'm not sure if I should leave him there or go get him.
All that to say, tonight won't be as great as last night!
Did I mention that on Halloween Asa ate about half a tootsie roll with the wrapper on? I actually was able to dig it out of his mouth. He was a little upset after that.


  1. If I've learned anything as a parent on the subject of sleep it is this: One episode of children sleeping well all night does not guarantee a repeat experience! But, I've also learned that one good night of sleep, even though you know you may not get another any time soon, does a mother so much good! Hooray for you! Hopefully you WILL have many repeat experiences ahead! Sidenote: You guys are awesome.

  2. Good luck with the transition!! We are planning on moving Enoch into Seara and Elijah's room (yeah, we're hoping to have the three of them share) some time this month. I'm nervous, but I know the longer I wait the harder it will be. I'm crossing my fingers for you! :)

  3. Jen, I'm not sure why you think we're awesome, but thanks!
    Janae, good luck having three share a room. Too bad transitions have to be so hard, huh?
