Wednesday, August 12, 2009


A few months ago a friend mentioned to me that they were in need of a couple teachers for the preschool she teaches at. I talked with the director about the position and filled out an application. I had an interview the week we moved and am happy to announce that I got the job. The preschool is at a church about 15 minutes away and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-2:30. I will be teaching about six kids who are right now turning three. I really have no experience with teaching little ones and I'm a little bit nervous about how it's going to go. My boys get to go for just $15 a month each. I think it will be good for all of us to get out of the house and have a little structure in our week. School starts September 8.

On a side note, Asa had a drippy nose yesterday. He did a great job getting kleenexes to blow his nose. Today he woke up and asked, "What wrong my nose?" It's starting to get dry and chapped. He isn't a fan of blowing his nose today. Judah also has the drippy nose now. He is pretty drooly as well so he gets to wear a bib all day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so glad about the preschool! That really will be a fun chance for you to get out of the house and have the boys interact with other kids. You couldn't ask for a more perfect situation for you to bring in some extra dough!
