Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Return of the Goal-Of-The-Week

My goal this week is to de-clutter the main floor of my house.
Next week's goal is to de-clutter the basement.
Week three is to de-clutter the garage.

I've already gone through a basket-full of papers and organized them into piles. That's a big accomplishment.

Here are a few highlights:
From the back seat I hear Asa exclaim: Look! A bus school!

Asa often requests something for dinner. In the morning.

That's all I've got. Maybe there will be more blogs soon! Maybe.


  1. Good luck with the decluttering! I love how it feels when I'm done, but getting started is so hard! I'm hoping your boys cooperate and let you get some work done!

  2. I don't know if you're using a declutter technique, or if one is even necessary, but I'll tell you mine. I gather up everything that is clutter and pile it on the dining room table. Nearly instantly the entire downstairs is decluttered, except for the table. Then I sort the stuff at the table, no running to put stuff away, and when it is sorted I put it away, or tell Ryan/Zoe to put their things away.

  3. Well I did great on Monday. The rest of the days, not so great. And now, at the end of Saturday, time and energy have run out. Let's see what I can accomplish next week!
