Friday, December 8, 2006


Do you ever go somewhere and there's one poor soul suffering from the plague of hiccups? That is James today. Poor guy. We came to the library to check our email and he just couldn't stop. He left and went somewhere; I hope I can find him when I'm finished. I am a little thankful because we're usually here for much longer than I would like. James checks about thirty sports websites. We go home and he has this wealth of knowledge about all the college teams and the BCS. Today, he's finished early.
Another person close to me suffers with the hiccups as well. Our baby in my tummy gets the hiccups about once a day. Maybe less. At least I think this is what is happening. I can't explain the structured movements any other way. Once again, I feel bad but there is nothing I can do. I would tell the baby to hold its breath, but it doesn't breathe! Hopefully I will learn to soothe this problem after the baby is born.
Happy hiccuping to everyone!

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