Friday, January 9, 2009

Goals for 2009

I've already posted these goals of mine on facebook, but I should do so here as well. I'll probably talk about it more on my blog than on facebook. These are things that I always have as goals but that I'm putting down as a specific goal for each day this year.
1) Treat my family with love and patience in my words and actions.
2) Have the house prepared for visitors any time.
3) Keep on growing in my relationship with God.
4) Read
5) Run (half marathon in October?)
6) Implement a cleaning schedule as follows-
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: Bathrooms
Wednesday: Bedrooms
Thursday: Living/Dining rooms
Friday: Basement & Garage as needed

At the end of week one, I cleaned the kitchen on Monday but it was messy again at the end of the day. Tuesday I didn't get to the bathrooms but I cleaned them last Friday. I had people over Wednesday and Thursday so the living/dining room was clean. I tried to organize some stuff in our bedroom this morning. I successfully made organized piles on our bed. I'll try to get those moved to their assigned places before we go to bed. I'm ignoring the basement and garage today! At least I have goals to break every week!
I also went out for a jog this morning. I did a 10 minute walking warm-up, 10 minutes of running and 10 minutes of cool down walking. It felt pretty good.


  1. Good job going jogging! Man, I really need to start running again. I've been twice since my half marathon in August 07. I know, I'm lame. :)

    I have a similar cleaning schedule! I do basic tidying (dishes, pick up toys, etc.) at night before bed. But I do:

    Monday: random deep cleanining
    Tuesday: laundry
    Wednesday: bathrooms
    Thursday: sweep & mop
    Friday: vacuum

    The one thing I like about it is that if I miss the bathrooms one Wednesday, I don't worry about it. I know I cleaned them the week before, and I'll do it the week after, so I feel no need to catch up.

    Anyway, good luck on your goals!

  2. Janae, I also do dishes and picking up every day. Well, most days. I try to do some laundry every day as well. I think I do better doing a load a day instead of five in one day. I guess I did five yesterday and it wasn't so bad but I was motivated.
    Three cheers for cleaning schedules!
