Sunday, March 8, 2009


It really doesn't seem like anything has been happening at our house recently. Maybe I've just not had a chance to think about it and write.
Saturday Judah bit me on the arm and left a bruise.
I have some video of Asa singing random songs. I need to compile them and make a feature film.
Asa has been sleeping in the basement so that we can let Judah fuss and fall asleep on his own. I've had success about 50% of the time.
We've been looking casually at houses. We can't afford much and don't want to move out of Lee's Summit. There are not many houses here that are nicer, bigger or cheaper than our current situation. We found one that is AMAZING! We put in an offer today and will hear back about it by Tuesday. Hopefully it will be tomorrow. I'm really excited but am trying to be cool so I'm not crushed if we don't get it.
Maybe something exciting will happen over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was ironic! I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how you were doing, and then I open up my computer and voila! You blogged! Yay! Good luck with the house situation. We'll keep you in our prayers!
