Monday, March 23, 2009

Really, Again?

Friday I started feeling another round of mastitis coming on. I tried to get rid of it by pumping and nursing Judah extra, but it didn't work. We had a dinner (without kids) planned with our small group Friday night. We ended up going and taking Judah so I could nurse him while we were there. Asa stayed at our house with a sitter. We left the party earlier than we probably would have under normal circumstances. I never got a fever; I think it is because I started taking Tylenol as soon as other symptoms started. I probably felt the worst in the middle of the night. I was in a lot of pain and was whining (sorry, James). I finally asked for some ibuprofen and fell asleep. Saturday we went to an urgent care and got a prescription for an antibiotic. I had a terrible headache all day. By Sunday morning I was feeling much better. I still have some pain, but it's tolerable.
The real bummer about this is that I have been wanting to go on a shopping trip for a long time. On the Kansas side there's a shopping center called the Legends. It's a nice outdoor mall with several outlet stores. Last summer I went there with some teenagers from church and ate at Cheeseburger in Paradise. I LOVE THEIR SWEET POTATO CHIPS! Ever since then I've wanted to go there with James. We've driven by a million times on our way to the Anderson's house but haven't taken the time to stop and shop. Once we got our tax return money I was ready. I have my list of things I want but haven't had the money to buy and I'm ready. Well, we planned to go to the Legends on Saturday and guess what. We didn't go. I was very sad. I am still trying to figure out when we can make the trip. I'll let you know if it ever happens.


  1. Bennett and AinsleyMarch 23, 2009 at 7:07 AM

    When I read the title of this entry I thought, "Jodi is pregnant!!!!" Wouldn't that be fun?!?!? Anyway, I'm glad this bout with mastitis was a bit less severe and I hope you continue to feel better and better!

  2. ha ha ha hah, Wouldn't that be something? I hope I would be able to announce a pregnancy to the world with a little less annoyance!

  3. That sounds very miserable! Glad you are feeling a little better now. Sweet potato fries are a favorite of ours in Taiwan. They have a delicious and unique seasoning. Wishing you a fun shopping trip soon!

  4. I hope you get to go shopping. Wish I was there so I could either go or babysit. Seeing Carol, Larry, and Lindsey would be nice too.

  5. Glad you loved our sweet potato fries! Hope you are feeling better and will be able to come visit us again soon. We would like to invite you to join our Cheeseburger in Paradise Fan Page at to see more.
