Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stupid but Lucky

This weekend is James' grandpa's birthday. I got a card ready this morning and decided to order some pictures to send as well. Since I waited until the last minute, I had to make a special trip to Wal-Mart to pick up the pictures. Did I mentioned that it has rained most of the day? When I got to the store, I put Judah in the snuggly and let Asa walk inside since all the carts outside would be wet (even though there weren't any carts nearby). I was hoping that Asa didn't run away and get hit by a car. I was also hoping that everyone would be driving carefully. We got inside safely and I saw that ALL of the carts were wet. Since I was just picking up pictures, I figured that Asa could walk with me to the back of the store and get them. For some reason I thought it was unacceptable to put Asa in a wet cart. When I was halfway to the photo counter, I was thinking that I was totally stupid. I was just waiting for Asa to run away. He actually kept walking with me. We got to the photo counter and picked up our pictures. Asa handed the lady a dollar. He was so proud. I let him hold another dollar until we got back to the van. I couldn't believe it, Asa didn't run away or have any melt-downs. He did trip once in the store, but he got up quickly. I was so proud of our big boy! Looking back, I think that next time I won't risk it and I'll just put Asa in a cart, rain water and all.


  1. Okay, this will probably only make sense to you, but I remember when Seara got to the point where I would actually let her walk from the car to the store rather than be held. It was, to me, some kind of right-of-passage. Scary, yes, but as the baby gets heavier, it gets harder and harder to hold them both (and your purse, and your diaper bag, and your keys, and your cell phone ...). I'm SOOO glad that Asa cooperated!

    I hate wet carts, by the way. I've started keeping a thick wash cloth (the bathroom kind, not he baby kind) in my diaper bag. It comes in handy with wet carts, wet slides, wet swings, wet benches, etc.!

  2. Good idea, Janae about the wash cloth. I was wishing I had something like that. We have several old towels that would be perfect for the job.
