Friday, May 1, 2009


The day I have been waiting for since I got married has finally arrived! If you know my husband, you know that he doesn't eat vegetables. I knew that a time would come when one of our children would notice that James wasn't eating his veggies and call him out on it. That time is now. We were just eating a wonderful dinner of grilled chicken, potatoes and peas. I was talking to Asa about his peas and noting that he liked them. He looked over at James' plate and noticed that his peas were gone. Asa pointed to the pan and asked if he wanted some more. I said that Asa had made a great observation and that maybe Daddy did need some more peas. I however (being such a loving wife) did not give James any peas since he really doesn't like them. It was very funny that Asa recognized that James wasn't eating peas. I know that this conversation will continue at different levels in the future.


  1. Yikes! Good luck with that one! James might end up having to take one for the team. :)

  2. I really don't think that will ever happen, Janae. He's very hard core anti veggies. Well, except for salads, cucumbers and peppers.

  3. Sorry Jodi, I tried my best. More peas went into paper napkins and in the bottom of glasses of milk, than EVER in James mouth. Even as a baby he could spit out the peas and swallow the applesauce.
