Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Too Much TV!

I have been thinking recently that I let Asa watch too much TV. Actually, we all watch too much TV. It hasn't been as bad in the evenings recently since we've been busier. I have been turning the TV off during the day unless I really want to sit down and watch something. But Asa has been watching a lot of kid shows. He loves Sesame Street and Blue's Clues. The BC one is a bummer because we just have one video and I don't like hearing it all the time. Anyhow, last night Asa was having trouble sleeping again and we were listening to him talk. At one point, he said this: "movie, Clifford, Blue's Clues." That's when I decided we really have to limit him. It was pretty funny listening to him, though. He was also listing off other things he knows. I can only imagine the thoughts going on in his little head. Here is another sentence: "Judah? Mommy? Daddy? Work."


  1. We really have to limit what we watch, too. (We don't actually have tv hooked up, but we do watch movies.) I try to let the kids watch just one movie a day - preferably and educational one. But man, when I was morning sick with Elijah and then Enoch, my kids watched all day and I loved the tv!!

  2. I have a BC video for you in my diaper bag. I've been carrying it around for over a week! I'll try to remember to give it to you!

  3. Okay, I don't leave comments on these blogs very often and it's take me like 5 mins to do this one...and it doesn't even have my name. duh!
    Christina Sumler

  4. I figured it was you, Christina.
